I really enjoyed the designer handbag class! Adaku have so much helpful information and made me feel comfortable to start my designer handbag business. Thanks to this class, I am so excited to get my business started!!!
— Angelica

Dear Adaku,
Thank you for contacting me! I LOVED the lot and was very impressed with your sourcing. Thank you so much. I love Flax so that was amazing. Thank you so much. It was great value and I would purchase again!
— Megan

I did. I got 3 boxes today. Haven’t opened them yet but I know what to expect from you.
— Ebony Clark

Dear Adaku,
I am sooo over the moon about my bundle. Thank you so much. The quality is absolutely amazing and I love it. This is my second wholesale from you and I’m a customer for life. I am so excited to start selling and I’ll be placing another bundle order!
Thank you and excited to work with you in the future.
— Megan

I just wanted to let you know my package just arrived and I’m very happy with the quality.
— Anonymous

All I can say is WOW!!! Ever since I stumbled upon Vtenluxe, I not only enjoyed shopping, but I have admired your business style and ethics from day 1! It is so ironic because literally just this morning I said I would reach out to you and see if you would be willing to share your business tips. I go into my Instagram this evening and my mouth just drops open. You will definitely be hearing from me. I have been struggling for the past couple of years about what to do. Thank you! Thank you! <3
— April Ellison-Pope

Just got my box - one of the best wholesale lots I’ve ever ordered.
— Caela

I’ve been getting 5 stars on everything I’ve sold and good reviews.
— Ebony Clark

Your pics and store - is one of my favs!
— Anoymous

Your service is so highly professional!
— Nuovo Lino

Wow. I tried what you suggested and it worked! I have been making way more sales on Poshmark.
— ExclusiveboutiqueUSA

I highly recommend your wholesale lots and you!
— Cheryl Ontell

Your web and branding is first rate!
— Rita C.

You have inspired me to continue with my real estate so I can give up this day job.
— Cherolyn

You have a great business mind.
— Gail Jackson